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Liat Berko

Growing in Nice, France, relocating to Israel and then leaving to NYC, Liat launched LBNY Productions in 2012 - with the vision of a New York-based entertainment agency that specializes in promoting the top Israeli talents.


With endless energy and flowing passion for the production and music industry - Liat is a pro in making it happen, from scratch to remarkable.

Our Marketing Manager and a Senior Event Manager, Orr was born and raised in Tel Aviv and moved to Brooklyn after his army service.


Orr was on the first members to join the LBNY team in 2012 - he climbed his way up to being in control of the company’s marketing and social media channels. He recently earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Communications from Baruch College.

Our Production Coordinator and Junior Tour Manager, working with local vendors and venues throughout the country. Born and raised in Israel, Sahar is a great fan of live music.


She has moved to New York in 2014 and besides
of LBNY, she works as an Assistant Director for television and film productions and hopes to continue combining both her passions in the future.

Sahar Shmolevitz

Orr Izkovich

Liran Arbiv

Liran is an Israeli born art director based
in New York City. 
He holds a wide background in branding, web and graphic design, working with some of the big names in the industry such as NBC Universal and NYC Fashion Week.


A perfect production these days needs to have 
a visual identity and an online presence.

Flo’ is our Admin Support person, responsible mainly for administration & logistics and create marketing content for the company.


She is Italian-German native, living now in Germany, where she earned her Bachelor degree in Media and Communication with a specialization in Marketing and Online Management.

Our Content Creator and also an Admin Support. Amit is an Israeli born and raised creative and music specialist.


He served in the IDF as a DJ and Music editor for GLGLZ National Radio station and continued to work in the local Israeli music and media industry before coming to the states.

Amit Goldberg

Floriana Maiello

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